Loved painting this street in Amsterdam given the view has not changed in centuries.
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Loved painting this street in Amsterdam given the view has not changed in centuries.
The Personal Website of Albert J. Ogle
Loved painting this street in Amsterdam given the view has not changed in centuries.
Loved painting this street in Amsterdam given the view has not changed in centuries.
The conflict between the Israeli and Palestinian communities has reached a new low level these past few weeks as hundreds of civilians are caught in this very militarized war that we are seeing daily in news reports. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has issued a statement, the Bishop of Jerusalem has issued a statement and … Continue reading “What to do about the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict?”
Ascension 2021 -The sermon interprets the Ascension story in the context of the Jewish Exodus and liberation, as well as looking through the lens of imperialism. The recent violence between Arab and Israeli forces grounds the Ascension story (that happened at the site of the Al Aqsa Mosque) is a reminder to the church … Continue reading “Sermons from the Hill”
The Reluctant Revolutionary? A Lenten Pilgrimage in the Steps of Martin Luther: March 2017 A convergence of opportunities led to a surprising Lenten retreat 4,000 miles from home. It all centered around the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, and I felt I needed to give some background on Martin Luther (1483-1546) and on sites associated … Continue reading “The Reluctant Revolutionary? Martin Luther and the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation this weekend.”